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NavTech Case Studies | Successful LiFi & Wireless Technology Applications

LiFi – Connectivity is evolving

Case studies

Case Studies

LiFi Point to Point to Optical Wireless Connectivity

1+ Gbps Optical Wireless Connectivity Solution, which could complement or replace the OFC for Short Distance Backhaul links for expanding High bandwidth Network. Could be very useful for Mobile Operators / Telcos for providing high bandwidth backhaul on the Telecom Towers which are already not connected with OFC, specially for 5G Roll-outs. Ideal Solution for expanding High speed Network in Rural and Remote Areas, Mountainous / Hilly Terrains, Forested Areas, across the water bodies etc. where Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) Network deployment is time taking and costly exercise or not feasible.

LiFi Hospital Centralised Monitoring System

Connects Vital Signs Multi-Parameters Monitors with Centralised Monitoring Station using existing Electricity distribution network inside the hospital, enabling centralised monitoring of the Patients’ Vital Signs in real-time. It connects Vital Signs / Multi-Parameters Monitors attached with the ICU / Critical Care Patients with the Centralised Monitoring Stations without requiring any wiring or cabling, so few Para-medics staff can monitor multiple patients in real-time. It can help in reducing the burden on the Medical Staff for providing timely care.

  • Outdoor High Speed Connectivity Links in RF Zero Zones
  • Indoor High Speed Connectivity for highly secure areas or RF Zero Zones
  • Tactical Communication
  • Convoy – Vehicle to Vehicle Communication

LiFi based connectivity solutions for Defense

LiFi being a Low Latency and high Bandwidth Network Connectivity in comparison with RF / Microwave based Wireless Connectivity Options, also unlike LiFi transmission cannot be detected by the non-intended party as it requires the receiver to be in complete line of sight whether indoor or outdoor. Due to these inherent advantages LiFi based connectivity solutions for Defense can be used for:

ISP Aggregation and Network Enhancement

Solution for aggregating Internet Connectivity from multiple Mobile Operators / Connections and provide High Speed Connection, and also enhances the Mobile Signal. Could be very useful for Schools, Post Offices, Hospitals, Public Distribution Shops (PDSs) in remote areas where Wired High Speed / Broadband Internet is not available.

LiFi PLCC Hybrid Last Mile Connectivity

Solution for Last Mile High Speed Connectivity, it doesn't require any kind of wiring to be done as it uses existing Electrical Power Line for Data Transmission. This could be used in Rural areas to expand Internet Network and connect Hospitals, Schools, Post Offices etc.

LiFi Smart Pole Solution

Smart Street Light Pole with Automated Centralised Control of Street Lights, CCTV Surveillance, Digital Billboard, Environment Monitoring Sensors, IP Public Address (PA) System, Public WiFi, Digital Kiosk for e-Services, EV Charging and Mobile / Laptop Charging facilities.

LiFi Attendance and Human Resources Management System (HRMS)

Completely Contact less Attendance System using LiFi enabled Mobile Phone App and Bio-metric Access Card, along with fully customised HR Management System.

LiFi Access Control System

Contact less system uses LiFi enabled Mobile App or LiFi enabled standalone Bio-metric Card to grant Access to the users based on Access Privileges set in the system.

LiFi enabled Smart Locks

Smart Digital Lock Solution with in-built LiFi receiver, using LiFi enabled Mobile App Lock can be operated to provide completely Key less and Contact less Locks.

LiFi based ATM and PoS Transaction System

Card less and Contact less ATM and PoS Transaction System enabled using Integration of LiFi in Mobile Banking APPs and Digital Payment APPs, and LiFi receiver in ATM Machines and PoS Terminals / Devices.

LiFi Indoor Connectivity

Solution for High Speed Indoor Network Connectivity using LiFi. It doesn’t require any kind of new cabling or wiring, along with the higher speed it provides Security from Eavesdropping.

Network Connectivity for Industrial or Mining Zones

LiFi and Optical Wireless Communication could be Ideal Connectivity option for areas where RF Networks don’t work due to signal interferences and Cable laying not feasible due to the cost or topography.